Ataraxy, where peace comes to mind.

Ataraxy is defined as a state of serene calmness. Everyone seeks happiness as they survive losses and hopelessness enduring mental health issues and life challenges. Each day brings new ultimatums whether you are holding onto the pain or losses, or you decide to move forward and start anew.  As we look back, we must remember to look forward to what’s ahead because life shouldn’t stop. We must keep striving forward and keep smiling. The challenges may make you feel helpless but you are not broken, keep striving forward, and find your purpose. I am here to support and guide you to define who you are and become unstuck as you find your happiness. Learn to overcome mental health challenges and become the best version of yourself.

My mission is to provide emotional, mental, and behavioral support to first responders, healthcare providers, veterans, working professionals, and their loved ones. I am here to listen, empower, and help you thrive in building resiliency one day at a time. Come with an open mind to find your path and leave with clarity.

Welcome. Prioritizing your mental health, emotions, and behavior, and seeking wellness are essential to manage and deal with everyday challenges. I work with clients who oftentimes suppress their issues and “fake it until you make it.” The sad thing is that faking it impacts in a negative way because when you run away from your problems, and avoid dealing with them, that leads to a build-up of internal pain and sorrow.

Gradually you notice your behavior changing, being short-tempered, easily triggered, irritable, angry, and lacking patience and tolerance.  You recognized the changes in your personality, and behavior, being disconnected from friends, families, and loved ones. You constantly compare yourself to others, neglect your needs, unmotivated, and lack self-care. You hide behind a fake smile and unbeknownst to you, you carry on the traumas, anxiety, depression, stress, burnout, and challenges with self-esteem and personal development, as you try to cope in the best way you can by ignoring or suppressing the pain, distracting yourself from racing thoughts, and negative emotions.

My work with first responders, healthcare providers, veterans, and all working professionals focuses on self-development, self-awareness, and cultivating a healthy understanding of your emotions, mental health, and behavior in your everyday work and personal responsibilities and relationships. Work is part of your identity that gives you a sense of self and accomplishments, and at the same time, it is the cause of mental health issues, relationship problems, and inability to achieve your goals. understand the importance of personal struggle, being judged by others, and showing your weakness because of the nature of your work. Many working professionals are concerned that opening up about mental health challenges and emotions or thoughts is unpleasant and fear being labeled negatively. I want you to know that I understand and honor confidentiality.

At Ataraxy, as your mental health and wellness consultant and coach, not a psychotherapist, we work on self-empowerment and a growth mindset to rediscover a better version of yourself. As professionally trained and experienced in mental health, I hold a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and a Master’s in Counseling Psychology, bringing a wealth of experience from my work in various psychiatric hospitals, and clinics, and a diverse and comprehensive knowledge of mental health, interpersonal development, and wellness. If you are ready to put yourself first, make improvements, and want to feel enough to achieve your life goals, work with me to transform your journey.